
Commodity Options Trading: How to Trade & Top Strategies

After Equity, commodities are the second biggest market for traders to bet or invest and earn some money with the price change in the different commodities. This practice gives the advantage of commodities prices fluctuations even without buying or selling the physical commodities, that needs additional storage and transportation cost. Similarly, trading in the underlying […]

Indian Rupee slips below 83 mark against US Dollar

USD INR Options Trading Strategies Beginners Guide to Trade

Options trading is the underlying stocks, commodities or currency trading into the market with various options to buy or sell the contract. In the currency market, there are various currencies traded against each other giving multiple opportunities for traders. Before moving to USDINR option trading we need to understand options trading. The option chain contains […]

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Introduction to Options Bullish Strategy

Introduction to Bullish Options Trading Strategy An option is a financial derivative contract that gives the option holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell or purchase an underlying security at a pre-specified expiry date and at a pre-specified strike price. Whereas, the option seller is obligated to honour the contract when the option […]


Options Trading for Beginners

Best Options Trading for Beginners What is the best way to attract the highest return from the stock market? Most seasoned investors will surely answer “Options trading” in response to such queries. After all, Options trading is the most versatile instrument of the financial market – of course, they are notorious for being too risky […]

How to Choose or Pick the Right Strike Price in Option Trading?

Neutral Options Strategies for Trading

Neutral Strategies Neutral Options Strategies are options strategies that profit when the underlying stock remains unchanged or within a predetermined price range. There are no other financial instruments that allow a trader to profit when a stock is completely still. There are numerous neutral strategies available, including the straddle, butterfly, strangle, condor, and so on. […]