Category: Trading Vs Investing
The two types of participants in equity markets; Investors – who work on the principle of buy and forget for a long time in the belief that their investment will yield capital returns and dividends over time, and second are traders – who engage in the buying and selling of financial assets for a short period of time for profit. Investing in vision capacity to see a diamond in a coal mine. An investor should have a firm grasp on the fundamentals and target for the security. When markets are volatile, an inventor will sell his portfolio and seek refuge in safe heaven assets, whereas a trader will see volatility as an opportunity to profit from price movements.
Algo or Manual Trading Which one is better for the Option Market?
Algo trading is becoming more popular with the introduction of more improved versions of the software making the complicated trading strategies easier to implement as per the market conditions. Manual
How to Reduce Slippage in Algo Trading: Tips to Avoid Slippage
Placing the orders or executing as per your expected is not possible in the stock market, especially in highly volatile underlying securities like options. The fluctuation in the price of
What is a Simulator in Algo Trading? Benefits & Top Features
Option trading with Algo-based trading software could be not only challenging but also very interesting with advanced features providing you with a highly sophisticated trading platform to trade in the
Types of Orders in Option Trading in Algo with Order Placement Tips
In options trading placing the orders could be challenging especially if you are novice in the market. As there are different types of orders you can place in the option
Why Choose Algorithmic Software for Options Trading: 10 Reasons
Trading in options is more complicated and challenging than any other financial instrument. Though trading in this segment could be more rewarding but also very risky, especially if you are
How to Backtest a Trading Strategy in Algo: Backtesting Guidance
Algo trading is becoming popular among traders due to unlimited number of Algo trading software introduced in the market. These Algo trading software are equipped with all types of trading
How to Choose the Right Option Strategy in Algo Trading?
Algorithm-based trading software makes it easier for traders to trade in various market segments. You can choose from predefined strategies and trading styles based on the market conditions and your
Six Advantages of Algorithmic Trading with Algo Trading Tips
Automation is taking place everywhere in this age of a rapidly growing technologically advanced world. AI-based software, applications and algorithms are being developed for every field making the execution and
How to use Bollinger Bands for Day Trading: Intraday Strategy
Intraday trading is not only challenging but also very risky and highly rewarding for traders. But if you are using the right technical indicators while performing the technical analysis, precisely