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Month: April 2023


Diagonal Bull Call Spread Explanation-Bullish Strategy

Diagonal Bull Call Spread Explanation This strategy is typically employed when the trader is bullish in the longer term and moderately neutral to bullish on the underlying stock over the
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Covered Combination Option Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Explanation A covered combination also known as covered combos is an investment strategy that entails selling an out-of-the-money (OTM) call and an out-of-the-money (OTM) put with the same expiry and
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Protective Put Option Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Protective Put Option Strategy The Protective Put option strategy is a derivative strategy used to protect against unfavorable downside risk. When an investor is long on the underlying security but
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Bull Calendar Spread Option Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Bull Calendar Spread Option Strategy When a trader is bullish on the underlying stock/index in the near run, say 2-3 months, this strategy is used. A trader will write one
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Married Put Option Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Options Trading Strategies: Bullish - Married Put Option Strategy This strategy is used by investors/traders who want to go long on the underlying security while also benefiting from various company
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Call Backspread Option Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Options Trading Strategies: Bullish - Call Backspread Option Strategy Call backspread or reverse call ratio spread strategies are used by traders who believe the asset will increase in price and
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Bull Put Spread Option Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Bull Put Spread Option Strategy-Bullish Options Trading Strategies A Bull Put Spread, also known as a Bull Put Credit Spread strategy, is a Bullish strategy that is used when the
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Bull Call Spread Option Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Bull Call Spread Option Strategy-Bullish Options Trading Strategies The Bull Call Spread option trading strategy is employed by traders who are relatively optimistic on the market in the short term
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Collar Option Trading Strategy-Bullish Strategy

Collar Option Trading Strategy-Bullish Options Trading Strategies Collar Strategy is an extension of Covered Call Strategy. An investor/trader who is optimistic on the market but has low risk tendencies and
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Indian Rupee slips below 83 mark against US Dollar

USD INR Options Trading Strategies Beginners Guide to Trade

Options trading is the underlying stocks, commodities or currency trading into the market with various options to buy or sell the contract. In the currency market, there are various currencies
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