Underwriters are a mefinancial derivativember of financial organizations which do everything from evaluating your business health to assessing your financial status, and risks in return for a fee. Each industry has its specialized underwriters. The underwriter evaluates and guarantees a price for the securities facilitates the issuance and then sells them to the public.

Unit linked insurance plan is a dual-benefit insurance plan that provides investors with both insurance and investment for long-term goals in a single integrated plan. The premium for a ULIP is split into two parts. A portion of it goes toward your life insurance, and the rest is invested in the fund of your preference. Depending on your risk tolerance and goals, you can invest in equity, debt, or a combination of the two. Because plan returns are directly linked to market performance and investment risk in an investment portfolio is entirely borne by the policyholder, before investing, one must thoroughly understand the risks involved and one’s risk absorption capacity. There are two types of unit-linked insurance plans based on the death benefit. In type I, the nominee receives the higher the sum assured or the fund value, whereas, in type II, the nominee receives the sum of the sum assured and the fund value in the event of the policyholder’s death. You can save tax on your hard-earned money by investing in a ULIP under the Income Tax Act of 1961. Unit Trust of India introduced the first unit-linked insurance plan.

Underlying Securities
In investing, an underlying security is a negotiable financial instrument on which a financial derivative, such as an option on a stock, is based. Stocks, bonds, currency and market indexes are examples of underlying securities.

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